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Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP)

Purpose of the FOIP Act​​

  • To allow any person a right of access to the records in the custody or under the control of a public body subject to limited and specific exceptions set out in the Act.
  • To control the manner in which a public body may collect personal information from individuals; to control the use made of the information and the disclosure by ​a public body of that information.
  • To allow individuals, subject to limited and specific exceptions set out in the Act, a right of access to personal information about themselves held by the public body.
  • To allow individuals a right to request corrections to personal information about themselves held by the public body.
  • To provide for independent reviews of decisions made by public bodies under the Act and the resolution of complaints under this Act.

For more information on the FOIP Act, click here:

Who Collects What and Why?


Northern Lakes College, under the authority of the Post-Secondary Learning Act which mandates Northern Lakes College to provide programs and services, as per the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 33(c), collects and uses only the personal information it needs with respect to (Section 39):

  • Admissions
  • Registration
  • Using a particular service
  • Health services
  • Residence
  • Recreation
  • Library

Personal information collected from students is used for:

  • Managing programs and services
  • Maintaining financial records of student accounts
  • Emergency contacts
  • Providing library and computer services
  • Providing specific services, such as health services
  • Alumni 
  • Determining suitability for an honour or award and graduation

How Can Personal Information Collected be Used or Released by Northern Lakes College?


Northern Lakes College may use personal information collected only for the purposes indicated when it was collected.  Each year some personal information may be provided to Alberta Innovation and Advanced Education or to Statistics Canada.  These government departments and agencies require Northern Lakes College to provide specific reports. This information includes application information, demographic information and/or educational history. Government departments and agencies use the information:

  • For planning
  • To determine funding
  • To conduct enrolment audits
  • For demographic and other statistical research purposes

Access to Personal Information


Upon request, the Registrar or designated staff will:

  • Confirm whether or not an individual is registered and in what program
  • Receive personal messages and forward them to the appropriate department
  • Provide instructors with phone numbers of students on an 'as needed' basis only

Students are encouraged to provide their contact information to family, friends, and/or relatives.

What about Student Photographs?


A photograph or digital image of a student is deemed to be that person's personal information.

  • Northern Lakes College protects privacy involving photographs with the same confidentiality as other personal information.
  • Photos or videos taken for Northern Lakes College marketing purposes are taken in a manner that respects privacy concerns. Participating students will be asked to sign a form or to refrain from having their picture taken.

What Personal Information about Students Has Restricted Access?

  • Instructors and other staff are restricted from providing references when students seek employment -- unless a student completes a 'Reference' form available at the Reception Desk or Academic Department.
  • Student addresses, telephone numbers, grades and class schedules are not released without a student's consent
  • Unless a student completes a written consent, Northern Lakes College employees cannot release personal information to parents, family members or other third parties (e.g. regarding grades, financial records, address in Northern Lakes College Residence, etc.)
  • Not all Northern Lakes College employees have access to all student records.
  • Redaction (whiting-out some parts) may be required before records are released should an official request for information occur.

Security Measures


Information collected from students through the admissions and registration processes, as well as through other service departments at Northern Lakes College, is kept secure. Access is restricted. Northern Lakes College uses a computerized system to maintain student records and other records. Access to this system is restricted by password protection.

What is Personal Information?


Personal Information is defined in Sec. 1(1)(n) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) as any recorded information about an identifiable individual including but not restricted to:

  • An individual's name, home or business address or telephone numbers,
  • The individual's race, national or ethnic origin, colour or religion or political beliefs or associations,
  • The individual's age, sex, marital status or family status,
  • An identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned to the individual,
  • The individual's fingerprints, other biometric information, blood type, genetic information or inheritable characteristics,
  • Information about the individual's health and health care history, including information about a physical or mental disability,
  • Information about the individual's education, financial, employment or criminal history including criminal records where a pardon has been given,
  • Anyone else's opinions about the individual,
  • The individual's personal views or opinion, except if they are about someone else

Additional FOIP FAQs


Q. Does NLC release information about student grades? 
A. NLC will release grades only to the student (unless specific permission is granted). 

Q. Will NLC release information to my parents?
A. No. FOIP says we can provide information to the student only (unless specific permission is given). 

Q. Should I expect to see my marks posted in the halls, or should I expect to pick up graded term papers or essays from a pile near my instructor's office?
A. Not unless you have provided permission for the instructor to do so. Your grades are your business.

Q. May I have access to records about me?
A. Yes. FOIP says you have right of access to records about you (with some very limited exceptions). Should you find an error, the law states you may request a correction. 

Q. I have more questions, how can I get answers?
A. Contact the FOIP Coordinator.

Q. Does Northern Lakes College utilize video monitoring of its sites?
A. Video monitoring may be used for purposes related to the safety and security of individuals and to protect and manage Northern Lakes College properties and off campus sites owned or controlled by the College. Notices are posted at locations where video monitoring is in use. 

If you have questions or concerns


Northern Lakes College supports the right of the public to access information about the College and the right of individuals to the privacy of their own personal information.

FOIP Coordinator

1201 Main Street SE
Slave Lake, AB T0G 2A3
Office: (780) 751-3259 
