Educational Partners

Northern Lakes College has signed an articulation agreement with the Thompson Rivers University from Kamloops, British Columbia. This agreement allows for the block transfer of the Practical Nurse and Social Work diploma programs to their Bachelor of Health Science and Bachelor of General Studies.
For further information regarding this opportunity speak to a Northern Lakes College University Transfer program advisor. Thompson Rivers University website has the most current information on their courses and programs.

Northern Lakes College’s Practical Nurse program has been approved by the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (CLPNA). The CLPNA is responsible for the licensing of all Practical Nurses in the province.
Their mandate is to carry out the regulatory process to protect the public by assuring safe, competent and ethical practitioners. They do this by defining competencies and practice standards for the profession and by assuring practical nurse education programs meet the needs of the employers and the public. Northern Lakes College offers the Practical Nurse program in various communities both part-time and full-time.

A block transfer into the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) at the University of Calgary exists where students may be able to transfer up to two years of coursework into the third year of the BSW program.
The Community-Based Bachelor of Education program is a collaborative degree program between Northern Lakes College and the University of Calgary. You can earn your Bachelor of Education (K-12) Degree studying from your home community. For information or to apply, please visit the University of Calgary website.

Northern Lakes College, in partnership with the University of Alberta, offers University Studies that provide transfer opportunities for students wishing to enter degree routes in Arts and Education.
Additionally, credits earned in the Practical Nurse and Social Work programs may be applied to a number of University of Alberta degree areas. Visit the University of Alberta for program and admission requirements.

Credits for courses taken in the Northern Lakes College University and Professional Studies programs can be applied against a variety of Athabasca University's degree programs.
Transfer agreements exist for general transfer of individual credit courses, and for block transfer of the Business Administration, Practical Nurse and Social Work programs. This is another great example of a successful collaboration with a university where the students benefit in reduced barriers to access.
Northern Lakes College and the Athabasca University also have a partnership to offer the Post-LPN Bachelor of Nursing program.

Woodland Operations Learning Foundation (WOLF) is a not for profit corporation established by forest resource stakeholders and Northern Lakes College in May 2001. WOLF captures the most up-to-date knowledge base, develops learning resources, recruits students, delivers forestry and environmental training, and provides services and consultation to recognized educators, forest resource agencies, and workers within Alberta and western Canada. WOLF provides professional development opportunities that reflect the changing requirements of forestry professionals and those working in related industries. Northern Lakes College collaborates with WOLF to deliver outstanding programs to meet your needs.
WOLF and NLC collaborate to offer land and environment training, and the Forest Stewardship and Advanced Forest Stewardship certificates, which discuss balancing and protecting the social, economic, and ecological benefits derived from forested land. Learn more about WOLF.