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NLC Application for Admission

Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year are now open! If you have questions about programs, please contact for more information.

Most programs have a non-refundable $50 application fee.
There is NO application fee for Academic Upgrading.

Program Information

You have selected an Academic Year / Period as being Home Based. You are not expected to attend a Campus location to take your program and courses. If you need things like printing, computer use, or counselling services to support your studies where would you go? (If none of these locations are convenient, select "Home Based") Please note that this does not guarantee a computer work station and not all services are available everywhere. Please call ahead to check for the services you need.

Personal Information

A valid and active email address avoids communication delays and assures your application is processed as quickly as possible.

Mailing Address

Searching for your address...

Permanent Address

Searching for your address...
Validating Address...

Additional Information

Citizenship Status

Miscellaneous Information

Alberta Advanced Education is collecting this personal information pursuant to section 33(c) of the FOIP Act as the information relates directly to and is necessary to meet its mandate and responsibilities to measure system effectiveness over time and develop policies, programs and services to improve Indigenous learner success.

For further information or if you have questions regarding the collection activity, please contact the Office of the Director, Post-Secondary Policy and Strategy, Data Management and Governance branch, Alberta Advanced Education, 10155-102 Street, Edmonton AB, T5J 4L5, ( 780) 667-1407.

If you have any questions regarding the collection activity of the post-secondary institution, please contact the Registrar of Northern Lakes College.

To avoid any communication delays, please ensure that we have your up-to-date and current information about your mailing address and your email address on your student record. Please call us Toll Free at 1-866-652-3456 or email us at or

Consent and Release

Any questions about this collection are to be forwarded to the FOIP Coordinator at (780) 751-3297.







Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

The personal information that you provide to the College is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta) ("FOIPPA"), sections 65 and 118 of the Post-secondary Learning Act of Alberta, the Statistics Act (Canada), and the Income Tax Act (Canada). This information will be used to determine your eligibility for admission to, and the administration of, programs and services of the College, manage your enrolment, determine your eligibility for scholarships, bursaries, and awards, convocation, distribute follow-up educational information, issue tax receipts, marketing and recruitment activities, and generate statistics and reports for research and planning, and matters reasonably related to those purposes. Certain personal information will also be disclosed to Statistics Canada to comply with the Statistics Act; the Government of Alberta to meet reporting requirements and for determining and monitoring student eligibility for student grants, loans, and services; work experience and practicum sites to set up appropriate placements; NLC Students’ Association for the purposes of membership, fee collection, and contacting students. Collected personal information is protected from unauthorized access, collection, use, and disclosure in accordance with FOIPPA and may be reviewed subject to the provisions of FOIPPA. The College may retain third parties to store personal information, including third parties located outside of Canada. Questions regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information can be directed to the Office of the Registrar at, 1-866-652-3456.


Application Fee: $50.00
