College Gallery

NLC Awards List

Awards: All Programs

Athabasca County Award


Award: $500

Criteria: For part-time students, attending Athabasca Campus or living within a 200 km radius, must be in good academic standing and faced adversity and/or have overcome obstacles to be successful in education.

Application Deadline: October 18, 2024

Chantel Marie Bulldog Award


Award: $1,000

Criteria: Full-time or part-time student attending Fort Vermilion Campus or living in Fort Vermilion. In good academic standing, in financial need, facing/overcoming barriers or obstacles and show dedication to studies.  Can be nominated by faculty or staff.

Deadline: February 28, 2025

Faculty Association Student Award


Award: $500 (4)

Criteria: Full-time student.  Must be in good academic standing with financial need.

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

MD of Lesser Slave River Award


Award: $1,000

Criteria: For part-time students that live within the MD of Lesser Slave River or within a 200 km radius. Faced adversity and/or have overcome obstacles to be successful in education.

Deadline: October 18, 2024

Northern Lakes College Students' Association (NLCSA) Financial Needs Bursary


Award: $400

Criteria: Student attending Northern Lakes College credit programs (includes Academic Upgrading and all Post-Secondary programs), in financial need and in good academic standing.  Can receive this bursary once per academic year (September - June).

Deadlines: October 18, December 6 & February 7 

Northern Lakes College Students' Association (NLCSA) Technology Bursary


Award: $400 - 5 per deadline

Criteria: NLCSA student attending a credit program at Northern Lakes College (includes Academic Upgrading and all Post-Secondary programs), in financial need and in good academic standing.  Can receive this bursary once per academic year (September - June).

Deadlines: December 6 & February 7

Students' Association - Role Model Scholarship


Award: $1,000 (2)

Criteria: Full-time student. Financial need, good academic standing, contribution to student activities, role model to other students. (Students’ Association members: 1 -Academic Upgrading, 1 - Post-Secondary)

Application Deadline: October 18, 2024

Awards: Post-Secondary Programs

Alberta Blue Cross Entrance Bursary


Award: $750 (1)

Criteria: Enrolled full time and entering first year of a Diploma (2 yr) post-secondary program, demonstrate financial need and self-funded (including those receiving student loans).

Deadline: October 18, 2024

*CCEC Partnership Bursary


Award: $1,500 (2)

Criteria: Full-time student. Academic achievement, financial need, commitment to working in region and volunteered in home community.
1 - Certificate (1 year) program 1 - Diploma (2 year) program

Application Deadline: October 18, 2024

*Partnership Bursary – matching amount available from Northern Alberta Development Council, if eligible

Christopher Taylor Award of Excellence


Award: $1,000 (2)

Student who exemplifies the following criteria:

  • 3.7 GPA overall
  • embodies characteristics of professionalism, including responsibility, reliability, mentorship, advocacy and initiative
  • contributes to overall societal well-being

Two awards: one for a student in the Primary Care Paramedic program and one student in their second year of the Advanced Care Paramedic program.  Selection will be made by the Health Careers department.

Selection made: September 15 (Primary Care Paramedic) and May 15 (Advanced Care Paramedic)

CICan Paul and Gerri Charette Bursary


The CICan Paul and Gerri Charette Bursary Program of $5,000 aims to provide financial support to college  students that demonstrate financial need and who often face greater challenges and barriers to participate and complete post-secondary education.  

Students attending colleges in rural, remote or northern areas will be given preference.


  • Must be a Canadian citizen, landed immigrant, permanent resident or a protected person.
  • Must be a full-time student in a post-secondary program of 2 or more years in length.
  • Be in financial need,
  • Face challenges/barriers/adversity to attend college,
  • Must be involved in community and/or volunteer.

Essay (max 10,000 characters) to be submitted should include:

  • List or examples of challenges/barriers/adversity the student has faced/overcome to attend college.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Impact of how the bursary will benefit the student.
  • Demonstrate community involvement.

Letters of support to be submitted, can be one or more, from:

  • Current employer.
  • Teacher/instructor.
  • College Administrator.
  • Member of community and/or organization.

*Nomination to CICan

Application deadline: September 22, 2024

Community Spirit Bursary


Award: $1,000

Criteria: Full-time or part-time student, first in immediate family to attend first year of post-secondary training.

Application Deadline: October 18, 2024

Dianne Garratt Bursary


Award: $1,000 (2)

Criteria: Full-time or part-time Slave Lake Campus student, continuing into 2nd year of post-secondary training, contribution to community and volunteerism.

Application Deadline: April 18, 2025

Dr. Gary McPherson Leadership Scholarship


Award: $2,000 (2)

Criteria: Full-time student.  Leadership skills, preferably in the area of disability, and/or initiative to improving the lives of others.  In good academic standing.  Resume, essay & letter of reference required. Check application for more details.

Application Deadline: January 17, 2025

Governor General’s Collegiate Medallion


Award: Medallion

Criteria: Highest Academic Standing. (2 yr programs)

Application Deadline: No application - selection made June 1st

Indigenous Career Awards


Award: $2,000/term

Criteria: First Nation, Metis or Inuit (status or non-status), Canadian citizen, resident of Alberta, full-time in an eligible program and satisfactory academic standing. (1 yr & 2 yr programs)

Application Deadline:  October 18, 2024  &  January 17, 2025

Jason Lang Post-Secondary Scholarship (Nomination to Scholarships Program)


Award: $1,000

Criteria: Academic Achievement. (1 yr & 2 yr programs)

Application Deadline: No application - selection made September 15th

Jesse Roberts Award


Award: $1,000 (2)

Criteria: Full-time or part-time student. Must be in second year of Business Management or Human Resource program, or in the Business Administration certificate program. Be in financial need and in good academic standing.

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

Laurence Decore Award for Student Leadership


Award: $1,000 (2)

Criteria: Full-time student.  Student leadership & involvement in Students' Association, student organizations and/or non-profit organizations.  Letter/essay and letter of reference required. Check application for more details

Application Deadline: January 17, 2025

Louise McKinney Post-Secondary Scholarship


Award: $2,500

Criteria: Full-time student. Highest academic achievement, continuing full-time into second year of program. (2 yr programs) 

Application Deadline: No application - selection made September 15th

Northlands Scholarship


Award: $500 (2)

Criteria: Full-time student enrolled in Addictions Counselling or Social Work program.  Have completed first term successfully with highest GPA.  Preference give to students who have resided in Alberta for one year prior to application.

No application required, selection made March 1st. 

Pasikow Partnership Award


Award:$1,000 (1)

Criteria: In good academic standing, full-time student and identified financial need. Must be a resident of Bigstone Cree Nation (provide letter as proof).

Application Deadline: October 18, 2024

Practicum Bursary


Award: $750

Criteria: Full-time or part-time student. Clinical/Practicum is a requirement of program and placement must be outside of student's home community. In good academic standing. Identified financial need. 

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

Roland Gladue Memorial Scholarship


Award: $1,000

Criteria: Full-time student. Academic Achievement, planning to continue studies in Post-Secondary in the Fall.

Application Deadline: April 18, 2025

Rotary Club of Slave Lake Bursary


Award: $1,000

Criteria: Full time or part time, lives within the boundaries of Assineau and up to, and including Smith radius.  Attending a Health or Human Service program and in financial need.  The following Human Service programs are eligible: Addictions Counselling, Child & Youth Care, Educational Assistant, Early Learning and Child Care Certificate or Diploma and Social Work.  The following Health programs are eligible: Advanced Care Paramedic, Health Care Aide, Practical Nurse and Primary Care Paramedic.

Application deadline: October 18, 2024

Shell Student Awards


Award: $1,000 (6)

Student must reside in NLC region and be attending one of these programs: Apprenticeship, Pre-Employment, Resource Technology, Business/Office Administration, Computer Network Specialist, Water & Wastewater. Based on academic achievement. Three of these awards will be available specifically to Indigenous (First Nation, Métis or Inuit) students.

Application deadline: April 18, 2025

Staples Early Learning and Child Care Certificate Bursary


Award: $500 2/term

Criteria: Full-time or part-time students that are in the Early Learning and Child Care Certificate program, in financial need and in good academic standing.

Deadlines: October 18, February 28 & April 18

Sunrise Award


Award: $1,000 (5)

Criteria: In good academic standing, full-time student and identified financial need. Must be a resident of NLC region. University Studies program only.

Application Deadline: October 18, 2024

*TC Energy Partnership Award


Award: $600 (2)

Criteria: Full-time student, demonstrate financial need, commitment to working in region and active in community through volunteerism.

1 award for a Certificate student (1 yr program), 1 award for a Diploma student (2 yr program)

Application Deadline: October 18, 2024

*Partnership Bursary – matching amount available from Northern Alberta Development Council, if eligible

Ultimate Heir Award


Award: $1,000 (5)

Criteria: In good academic standing, full-time student, identified financial need, leadership in school/community and/or overcoming obstacles. Must be a resident of NLC region and in second year of program. Health Diploma programs only.

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

Xerox Scholarship


Award: $1,000

Criteria: Full-time student, good academic standing and highest GPA. For students who begin in Fall in University Studies and continue into the Winter term.

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

Awards: Academic Upgrading

ABE Achievement Award


Award: $500

Criteria: Full-time student. Exceptional progress/attendance and academic achievement. (Adult Basic Education - BEL courses)

Application Deadline: April 18, 2025

Adult High School Equivalency (Nomination to Scholarships Program)


Award: $500 (2)

Criteria: Full-time student. 80% average in courses for entry to post-secondary training; out of high school for 3 yrs.

(Nomination to Alberta Scholarships program)

Application Deadline: April 18, 2025

Doreen Bellerose Memorial Award


Award: $500 (1)

Criteria: Faced adversity and/or overcome obstacles to be successful in education. (Adult Basic Education - BEL courses)

Application Deadline: April 18, 2025

Janet Frank Memorial Award


Award: $1,000 (1)

Criteria: Full-time student. High academic achievement, demonstrating interest in learning & helping others.
(Northern Region Campuses - Peace River, High Level, Fort Vermilion & Chateh)

Application Deadline: April 18, 2025

Lorna Bell Literacy Award


Award: $500 (1)

Criteria: Full-time student.  Financial Need, exceptional attendance and attitude. One instructor reference required. (Adult Basic Education - BEL courses) 

(Northern Region campuses - Peace River, High Level, Fort Vermilion & Chateh)

Application Deadline: April 18, 2025

Northern Lakes College Students' Association (NLCSA) Shirley Kellington - Shining Light Award


Award: $450 (2 per deadline)

Criteria: Full-time or part-time student in Academic Upgrading or Trades program, in good academic standing and demonstrating three of the following criteria:

  • Demonstrate hard work and achievement in their program
  • Exceptional spirit with volunteerism and helping other students
  • Has caring nature towards instructors, students and student community
  • Goes the extra mile in volunteerism, employment and/or other activities involved in

Deadlines: December 6, May 9 

Rick Neidig Award


Award: $750 (1)

Criteria: Be a resident of the NLC Region for at least one year.  Full-time student enrolled in the Academic Upgrading program. Have financial need, in good academic standing, successfully completed first semester and involved with student life and/or at the campus.

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

Awards: Dual Credit

Dual Credit Bursary


Award: $500

Criteria: Completion of Dual Credit courses, registered to attend NLC within one year of graduation from high school.

Application Deadline: No application required- Credit applied to tuition

Peace Region Power Engineering Association - High School Dual Credit Power Engineering 4th Class Award


Award: $1,000

Criteria: High School student who successfully completed the NLC Power Engineering 4th Class program. Student must be from Peace River or within a 200 Kilometer radius. Achieved an overall average of 70%. submit an essay (minimum 500 words) outlining why they have chosen the field and their career goals. Student must be willing to participate in a short telephone interview with the Selection Committee if needed. 

Application Deadline: Student will be selected by the NLC Awards Selection Committee based on the criteria outlined above. 

Peace Region Power Engineering Association - Water and Wastewater Operator Preparation Programs Award


Award: $1,000

Criteria: Full-time or part-time student. Student must be from Peace River or within a 200 kilometer radius. Student with highest GPA. Students completing the Level 1 course in the academic year will be eligible. 

Application Deadline: No application required.

Awards: Trades & Resource Technology

Gilles Lacoste Scholarship


Award: $500 (2)

Criteria: Full-time or part-time student.  Registered in a Trade or Resource program, academic achievement, financial need, hardworking - must submit essay outlining how criteria is met. References also required.

Application Deadline: October 18, 2024

Peace Region Power Engineering Association - Power Engineering Steam Lab Certification 4th Class Award


Award: $1,000

Criteria: Must be a full-time or part-time student and have successfully completed NLC Power Engineering 4th Class within the current academic year.   Student with the highest grade of the program, from Peace River or within a 200 Kilometer radius.  Must meet the academic entrance requirements for the Power Engineering 4th Class Lab Certification.

Application Deadline: No application required.

Reg Carr Memorial Scholarship


Award: $1,000

Criteria: Enrolled in 4th Period Electrician program. Highest grade. Financial Need. Professionalism and ability to consistently produce a high quality of work.  Instructor reference required.

Application Deadline: April 1, 2025


Shell Student Awards


Award: $1,000 (6)

Student must reside in NLC region and be attending one of these programs: Apprenticeship, Pre-Employment, Resource Technology, Business/Office Administration, Computer Network Specialist, Water & Wastewater. Based on academic achievement. Three of these awards will be available specifically to Indigenous (First Nation, Métis or Inuit) students.

Application deadline: April 18, 2025

Northern Lakes College Students' Association (NLCSA) Shirley Kellington - Shining Light Award


Award: $450 (2 per deadline)

Criteria: Full-time or part-time student in Academic Upgrading or Trades program, in good academic standing and demonstrating three of the following criteria:

  • Demonstrate hard work and achievement in their program
  • Exceptional spirit with volunteerism and helping other students
  • Has caring nature towards instructors, students and student community
  • Goes the extra mile in volunteerism, employment and/or other activities involved in

Deadlines:  December 6, May 9