College Gallery

Nursing Foundations I: Introduction to Nursing


Course Description

This introductory nursing course builds a foundation for moral and ethical reasoning and develops a knowledge base for nursing practice. Learners will explore the history of nursing, the evolving role of the practical nurse, the Canadian healthcare system, and legislative acts that affect nursing practice in Alberta. The learner will examine the professional association and standards of practice that define the roles and responsibilities of the practical nurse. The course provides a basic understanding of means of promoting wellness of self as a caregiver and beginning skills in working as a member of a group. Through the introduction of nursing concepts, the nursing metaparadigm, and the nursing process, the learner will learn critical thinking skills that support decision making in nursing and lead to the delivery of high-quality and safe nursing care. This course was formerly known as NFDN 1000.

Course Number


Course Hours



Biology 30 (60%) or credit in ANPY1000 (60%) or BIOL0190 (60%); English 30-1 (60%) or English 30-2 (70%) or ENGL0190 (60% or an assessed English equivalency); Math 20-1 (50%) or Math 20-2 (60%) or MATH0190 (60%).